Thank you for your Support of GAIT Therapeutic Riding Center

Your donation provides quality equine programming for children and adults with special needs

Thank you for your Support of GAIT Therapeutic Riding Center image




Your donation provides quality equine programming for children and adults with special needs

Ray is a client from a facility providing therapy for individuals who have suffered traumatic brain injuries. He is one of several of their clients spending time with the horses and staff at GAIT. A change from their norm, GAIT offers a unique opportunity for Ray and his friends to develop strength, balance, and coordination while providing horse care as well as being productive--helping to clean GAIT's saddles and other tack. The group has also taken advantage of GAIT's Labyrinths, one for ambulatory attendees and one designed for those utilizing a wheelchair. This activity allows them to work on focus while reflecting on their challenges and achievements.

GAIT's horses participate in a beautiful way. They gently interact with these visitors whether standing, balancing with a cane, or seated in a wheelchair. Laddie repeatedly shifted his weight in preparation for participants to lift his hoof. Some having never done this before, apprehensively approached Laddie and, time after time, he offered them a relationship of trust and cooperation. That is what our herd does for a variety of groups that come to GAIT, whether school students, senior citizens, veterans, or visitors such as Ray. Your donation helps to make this possible. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.